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:. Sekvu viajn Eŭro-biletojn spure ekde la 1ª de januaro 2002

:. Uzantraporto (Flag for Finnio Nervosa)

Interesaj trafoj: 120
Biletoj enigitaj: 2 592
Trafoproporcio: 1 : 21.6

Aliĝis: 2012-06-05
Lasta enskribita bileto: 2022-06-04 17:07:16

Nervosa ligas al 71 aliaj uzantoj, ekz.:

Rango internacia: 6 658
Rango nacia: 978
Rango urba: 147

Valoro da enmetitaj biletoj: 39 545 €
Meza valoro de enmetitaj biletoj: 15.26 €

Distribucio de biletvaloroj
5 €   1 075   5 375 €
10 €   513   5 130 €
20 €   737   14 740 €
50 €   264   13 200 €
100 €   1   100 €
500 €   2   1 000 €

Top Moments
1st Hit occured in: 2012-06-05 12:44:07
10th Hit occured in: 2012-06-12 15:37:26
50th Hit occured in: 2013-10-29 15:49:54

1st Note entered in: 2012-06-05 12:39:30
100th Note entered in: 2012-06-07 14:10:14
500th Note entered in: 2012-07-18 18:23:38
1000th Note entered in: 2013-05-16 21:26:56

Top Days
119 notes entered in one day: 2012-06-07
6 hits occured in one day: 2012-06-07

Greatest hit duration: 2337 days
Greatest hit distance: 927 kilometres

First notes by denomination
1st note was the first note
53rd note was the first note
2nd note was the first note
4th note was the first note

First notes by countrycode
1st note was the first Flag for Germanio note
2nd note was the first Flag for Finnio note
4th note was the first Flag for Belgio note
7th note was the first Flag for Francio note
20th note was the first Flag for Nederlando note
21st note was the first Flag for Hispanio note
53rd note was the first Flag for Irlando note
60th note was the first Flag for Grekio note
71st note was the first Flag for Italio note
96th note was the first Flag for Portugalio note
238th note was the first Flag for Aŭstrio note
406th note was the first Flag for Malto note
595th note was the first Flag for Kipro note
861st note was the first Flag for Slovakio note
1042nd note was the first Flag for Slovenio note

My EBTST stats

Information updated on July 16, 2014.
Entute .:
Valoro.:4 289 958 955
Uzantoj.:223 160 
Biletoj.:233 963 431 
Interesaj trafoj.:1 348 200 
Supraj Uzantoj (# da biletoj) .:
1. Flag for Aŭstrio Moise3 595 176
2. Flag for Germanio ProChrist3 203 751
3. Flag for Germanio stop religions wo...3 095 142
4. Flag for Nederlando Vermeer2 751 081
5. Flag for Aŭstrio H.i.n.t.i.2 571 510
6. Flag for Germanio taucher2 295 500
7. Flag for Germanio BGO2 022 569
8. Flag for Germanio inDUS1 998 803
9. Flag for Germanio Math Murderer1 990 666
10. Flag for Germanio Hilden-Itter1 927 935
Supraj uzantoj (# da biletoj, pasintaj 7 tagoj) .:
1. Flag for Italio AngeloSalento5 466
2. Flag for Aŭstrio klapotec5 399
3. Flag for Aŭstrio H.i.n.t.i.5 250
4. Flag for Aŭstrio pluheaVen5 000
5. Flag for Germanio Hilden-Itter4 006
6. Flag for Slovakio petox3 708
7. Flag for Germanio roberdy3 678
8. Flag for Italio araneus3 295
9. Flag for Germanio kiki13 267
10. Flag for Aŭstrio kleineshasal852 981