EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Sekvu viajn Eŭro-biletojn spure ekde la 1ª de januaro 2002

:. Uzantraporto (Flag for Grekio Divad)

Interesaj trafoj: 13
Biletoj enigitaj: 4 222
Trafoproporcio: 1 : 324.77

Aliĝis: 2004-05-31
Lasta enskribita bileto: 2018-01-09 20:16:47

Divad ligas al 13 aliaj uzantoj, ekz.:

Rango internacia: 4 986
Rango nacia: 35
Rango urba: 8

Dutch student in Amsterdam.

This tenner was my first hit , from an entry made when I was still a 'Dutch student in Berlin'. It was a nice day and I remember feeling a bit uneasy about paying for an icecream with a 50 Euro bill (possibly this one). The tenner was part of the change I got and it most likely got spent at the Biergarten im Viktoriapark, Kreuzberg (other change from the Eissalon are these notes: 20, 10, 5). Und zis one made it all ze way to Duisburg. Geil.

My second hit was this one, an anonymous tenner from the anynomous atm in the anonymous street where I lived at the time (probably withdrawn together with this anonymous tenner). Not quite as specific as remembering getting change on a hot day.

And there it is: number three. And what's more: it's a hit with the Queen Mother (responsible for over 10% of bills entered in the Netherlands. I got the bill at Captain Zeppo's, a bar in Amsterdam where I paid the bill and then got fivers (the other fiver) from the others at the table.

I got my fourth hit from an ATM in Amsterdam, together with this bill.

Nr. 5. Alas, no recollection of the occasion.

Entute .:
Valoro.:4 186 758 695
Uzantoj.:219 707 
Biletoj.:228 095 768 
Interesaj trafoj.:1 314 999 
Supraj Uzantoj (# da biletoj) .:
1. Flag for Aŭstrio Moise3 465 738
2. Flag for Germanio ProChrist3 179 312
3. Flag for Germanio stop religions wo...2 959 225
4. Flag for Nederlando Vermeer2 725 102
5. Flag for Aŭstrio H.i.n.t.i.2 422 882
6. Flag for Germanio taucher2 207 700
7. Flag for Germanio BGO2 022 035
8. Flag for Germanio Math Murderer1 945 319
9. Flag for Germanio inDUS1 884 065
10. Flag for Germanio Hilden-Itter1 795 667
Supraj uzantoj (# da biletoj, pasintaj 7 tagoj) .:
1. Flag for Aŭstrio klaas klever8 719
2. Flag for Germanio stop religions wo...5 357
3. Flag for Aŭstrio pluheaVen5 000
4. Flag for Italio AngeloSalento4 028
5. Flag for Germanio Hilden-Itter3 759
6. Flag for Slovakio petox3 616
7. Flag for Germanio roberdy3 571
8. Flag for Germanio kiki13 493
9. Flag for Germanio inDUS3 416
10. Flag for Germanio taucher3 100